5 Best Credit Cards For Travel No Annual Fee - There is none better than searching for best credit cards for travel no annual fee. It can be used to maximize rewards earnings as well as minimize the costs or at a competitive rate. As best credit cards, it is common to attach the annual fees. There are some types of travel reward cards. There is one offering single flight or hotel program and one through bank to provide points redeemable for travel rewards. It can be chosen by considering such as earning points, card fees, and other benefits.
5 Best Credit Cards for Travel No Annual Fee
The first best credit cards for travel no annual fee especially for redeeming reward points is American Express The Amex EveryDay® Credit Card. By using it, there are some highlights to note. Some of which earns 20% more points by using card 20 or more times on purchases in a billing period. There are also membership rewards points in part of flight, booking hotel, vacation, etc. There is no annual fee with 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfer for 12 months with variable rate 13.49% to 23.49% and 2x points at US supermarkets up to $6,000 per year.
Second best credit cards for travel no annual fee would come to Discover it® Miles with unlimited 1.5x rewards card. As the name implies, it gives unlimited 1.5x rewards on every purchase everyday for every $1 to be spent. As best credit card for travel miles no annual fee, the customers can redeem the rewards in any cash for cash or travel credit. They will always get $1 for every 100 miles they earned. They will also talk any time through 100% US based costumer service. Automatically, people in first year of usage will get a dollar-for-dollar match of all rewards they earned in the year.
The third best credit cards for travel no annual fee is JetBlue Card. People can earn 5,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 in the first 90 days. It is also possible to earn and share points together with Family Pooling. There is 50% savings on eligible inflight purchases like food and beverages on JetBlue operated flights. Earn 3 points per $1 on JetBlue purchases, 2 points per $1 at grocery stores and restaurants, and 1 point on other purchases per $1. The points would be awarded in TrueBlue account. It can be considered as best for no-fee airline.
Next, it is American Express’ Hilton Honors™ Card. Get 7x from best credit card no annual fee bonus point in purchases with a participating hotel and resort in the Hilton Portfolio. Furthermore, get 5x bonus points per each dollar purchases at US restaurants, supermarkets, up to gas stations. If spending about $750 within 3 months of card membership, people can ear 50,000 bonus points too. The best credit cards for travel no annual fee also provides Honors Gold status within $20,000 spending on eligible purchases on card in a calendar year through the end of the next calendar year.
Fifth, it belongs to Chase Freedom. It could be the best one for bonus cash back. The best credit cards for travel no annual fee user can earn 5% cash back up to $1,500 on rotating bonus categories quarterly and 1% cash back on all other purchases. Rotaring bonus categories in this best no annual fee credit card includes spending on grocery stores, gas stations, and restaurants. Earn $150 bonus after spending $500 purchases in first 3 months from account opening